
33 tools and resources


Export Kubernetes events for observability and alerting purposes with flexible routing options.

Prowler Logo


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An open-source security tool for AWS, Azure, Google Cloud, and Kubernetes security assessments and audits.



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Docker image with essential tools for Kubernetes penetration testing.

Managed Kubernetes Inspection Tool leveraging FOSS tools to query and validate security-related settings.

Collection of Kubernetes manifests creating pods with elevated privileges for security testing.

Helix is a versatile honeypot designed to mimic the behavior of various protocols including Kubernetes API server, HTTP, TCP, and UDP.

A service for better visibility on networking issues in Kubernetes clusters by detecting traffic denied by iptables.

Intentionally vulnerable Kubernetes cluster environment for learning and practicing Kubernetes security.

Beelzebub is an advanced honeypot framework for detecting and analyzing cyber attacks, with integration options for OpenAI GPT-3 and deployment on Kubernetes using Helm.

A collection of tools to debug and inspect Kubernetes resources and applications, managing eBPF programs execution and mapping kernel primitives to Kubernetes resources.

IAM Zero detects IAM issues and suggests least-privilege policies for AWS and other cloud platforms.

gVisor Logo


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gVisor is an application kernel that provides isolation for running sandboxed containers.

Toolkit for building custom minimal, immutable Linux distributions with secure defaults.

Contains various use cases of Kubernetes Network Policies and sample YAML files.

Gatekeeper is a policy management tool for Kubernetes that provides an extensible, parameterized policy library and native Kubernetes CRDs for instantiating and extending the policy library.

Kubeadm Logo


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Kubeadm is a tool for creating Kubernetes clusters with best practices.

A cross-platform post-exploitation HTTP/2 Command & Control server and agent dedicated for containerized environments

Kubernetes security platform with industry standard open source utilities for securing Kubernetes clusters and apps.

Encrypt Kubernetes Secrets into SealedSecrets for safe storage and controlled decryption within the cluster.

minikube implements a local Kubernetes cluster for easy application development and supports various Kubernetes features.

Static code analyzer for Infrastructure as Code with 500+ security policies and support for various IaC tools and cloud platforms.

Create checkpoint snapshots of the state of running pods for later off-line analysis.

Real-time, eBPF-based Security Observability and Runtime Enforcement component

Redirects EC2 metadata API traffic to a container that retrieves temporary AWS credentials and proxies other calls to the EC2 metadata API.

Learn how to secure applications in Kubernetes Engine by granting varying levels of privilege based on requirements.

Exploit that launches a process on the host from within a Docker container run with the --privileged flag by abusing the Linux cgroup v1 “notification on release” feature.

Romana Logo


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Romana automates cloud native network creation and secures applications with a distributed firewall.

BunkerWeb is a next-generation and open-source Web Application Firewall (WAF) with seamless integration and user-friendly customization options.

Kiam Logo


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Tool for associating IAM roles to Pods in Kubernetes clusters.

Security-Guard helps secure microservices and serverless containers by detecting and blocking exploits.

k-rail Logo


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A workload policy enforcement tool for Kubernetes with various supported policies and configuration options.

Kube-bench is a tool for checking Kubernetes security based on CIS Kubernetes Benchmark.