
30 tools and resources


Rizin Logo


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A reverse engineering framework with a focus on usability and code cleanliness

A simple tool to take screenshots of HTTPS websites

netsniff-ng is a free Linux networking toolkit with zero-copy mechanisms for network development, analysis, and auditing.

Pwndbg Logo


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Pwndbg is a GDB plug-in that enhances the debugging experience for low-level software developers, hardware hackers, reverse-engineers, and exploit developers.

AndBug Logo


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A Scriptable Android Debugger for reverse engineers and developers.

YLS Language Server for YARA Language with comprehensive features and Python 3.8 support.

A tool for triaging crash files with various output formats and debugging engine options.

WinDbg Logo


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Powerful debugging tool with extensive features and extensions for memory dump analysis and crash dump analysis.



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QIRA is a competitor to strace and gdb with MIT license, supporting Ubuntu and Docker for wider compatibility.

A collection of tools to debug and inspect Kubernetes resources and applications, managing eBPF programs execution and mapping kernel primitives to Kubernetes resources.

An open-source modern Dependency Walker for Windows developers.

dnSpy Logo


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Debugger and .NET assembly editor with advanced debugging features.

WSSiP Logo


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A WebSocket Manipulation Proxy with a user interface to capture, intercept, and send custom messages for WebSocket and Socket.IO communications.

SwishDbgExt is a Microsoft WinDbg debugging extension that enhances debugging capabilities for kernel developers, troubleshooters, and security experts.

Android Loadable Kernel Modules for reversing and debugging on controlled systems/emulators.

A set of commands for exploit developers and reverse-engineers to enhance GDB functionality.

A 32-bit assembler level analyzing debugger for Microsoft Windows.

A collection of scripts for debugging SSRF, blind XSS, and XXE vulnerabilities



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Python Exploit Development Assistance for GDB with enhanced debugging features and commands for exploit development.

A debugger tool for reverse engineers, crackers, and security analysts, with a user-friendly debugging UI and custom agent support.

A comprehensive collection of resources for learning ARM assembly language and shellcode development.

Code to prevent a managed .NET debugger/profiler from working.

Make any application debuggable on a device.

Enables code injection into Mac OS X processes with detailed version history and contributing guidelines.

Exploiting a vulnerability in HID iClass system to retrieve master authentication key for cloning cards and changing reader settings.

nudge4j Logo


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nudge4j is a tool to control Java applications from the browser and experiment with live code.

A security oriented, feedback-driven, evolutionary, easy-to-use fuzzer with interesting analysis options.

Educational resources for reverse engineering tutorials by lena151.

A comprehensive guide to malware analysis and reverse engineering, covering topics such as lab setup, debugging, and anti-debugging.