
157 tools and resources

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The DShield Raspberry Pi Sensor is a tool that turns a Raspberry Pi into a honeypot to collect and submit security logs to the DShield project for analysis.

xss2png Logo


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A tool to generate a PNG image containing a XSS payload

A list of services and how to claim (sub)domains with dangling DNS records.

A tool for embedding XXE/XML exploits into different filetypes

A tool for bruteforcing subdomains of a given domain

SubOver Logo


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A powerful tool for finding and exploiting subdomain takeover vulnerabilities

A directory traversal fuzzer for finding and exploiting directory traversal vulnerabilities.

A tool to identify potential subdomain takeovers by checking if a CNAME record resolves to the scope address.

A correlated injection proxy tool for XSS Hunter

A tool for testing subdomain takeover possibilities at a mass scale.

JSONBee Logo


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A tool to bypass Content Security Policy (CSP) restrictions

A modern directory scanner that can be used to find hidden directories and files on a web server.

xxeserv Logo


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A mini webserver with FTP support for XXE payloads

URO Logo


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A tool to declutter URL lists for crawling and pentesting

Whonow Logo


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A DNS server for executing DNS Rebinding attacks

An Open-source intelligence (OSINT) honeypot that monitors reconnaissance attempts by threat actors and generates actionable intelligence for Blue Teamers.

A signature-based, multi-step, high interaction honeypot detection tool with support for various detection methods and protocols.

HoneyFS Logo


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An LLM-based honeypot file system creator that generates realistic file systems and configurations to lure attackers and improve analyst engagement.

gohoney Logo


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SSH Honeypot written in Go that records commands and IP addresses of attempted logins.