
9 tools and resources



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Drata is a cloud-based platform that automates security and compliance processes, evidence collection, and audit preparation for various industry standards and regulations.

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Verity is a comprehensive compliance management tool that helps organizations manage their governance, risk, and compliance initiatives.

A collection of tools to debug and inspect Kubernetes resources and applications, managing eBPF programs execution and mapping kernel primitives to Kubernetes resources.

Continually audit your AWS usage to simplify risk and compliance assessment.

Porting GNU/Linux userland tools to the bionic/Linux userland of Android to provide access to the audit stream for Android applications with minimal overhead.

Cloud Security Suite (cs-suite) - Version 3.0 Usage for cloud security audits on AWS, GCP, Azure, and DigitalOcean.

An alternative to the auditd daemon with goals of safety, speed, JSON output, and pluggable pipelines connecting to the Linux kernel via netlink.

A comprehensive auditd configuration for Linux systems following best practices.

BeyondTrust Privileged Access Management (PAM) provides comprehensive security controls for privileged accounts and users.