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Helix is a versatile honeypot designed to mimic the behavior of various protocols including Kubernetes API server, HTTP, TCP, and UDP, serving as an active defense mechanism. Its primary goal is to detect malicious activities targeting infrastructure across different protocols without running a full-scale implementation. Helix provides the flexibility of deploying a customized honeypot that meets the specific requirements of your environment, thereby enhancing your ability to detect and mitigate threats. Features: - Multi-Protocol Emulation: Helix emulates the behavior of various protocols including Kubernetes API server, HTTP, TCP, and UDP. - Kubernetes API Emulation: In Kubernetes mode, Helix mimics a Kubernetes API server, providing responses to various API endpoints and generating random Kubernetes resources such as pods, namespaces, ingress, and secrets. - HTTP, TCP, and UDP Emulation: Helix can also run as a simple HTTP, TCP, or UDP server, providing basic responses to requests.