
39 tools and resources


A collection of XSS payloads designed to turn alert(1) into P1

JSShell Logo


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An interactive multi-user web JS shell

xssor2 Logo


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A tool for testing and exploiting Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) vulnerabilities.

A Burp extension for scanning JavaScript files for endpoint links

A Python script that finds endpoints in JavaScript files to identify potential security vulnerabilities.

A tool to search for Sentry config on a page or in JavaScript files and check for blind SSRF

getJS Logo


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A tool to quickly get all JavaScript sources/files

Fuzzilli is a JavaScript engine fuzzer that helps identify vulnerabilities in JavaScript engines.

A fast and minimal JS endpoint extractor

JavaScript library scanner and SBOM generator



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Hack with JavaScript XSS'OR tool for encoding/decoding and various XSS related functionalities.

kicks3 Logo


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A tool to find S3 buckets from HTML, JS, and bucket misconfiguration testing

A honeypot for remote file inclusion (RFI) and local file inclusion (LFI) using fake URLs to catch scanning bots and malwares.

Cybersecurity project for security monitoring of Node.js applications.

StegCloak is a JavaScript steganography module for hiding secrets inside text using invisible characters.

Report on a malicious module posing as a cookie parsing library on npm blog archive.

A set of tools for securing JavaScript projects against software supply chain attacks.



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Statistical renaming, Type inference, and Deobfuscation tool for JavaScript code.

A library of string validators and sanitizers.

Detect users' operating systems and perform redirection with Apache mod_rewrite.

JavaScript parser, minifier, compressor, and beautifier toolkit with simplified API and CLI.

Finds publicly known security vulnerabilities in a website's frontend JavaScript libraries.

Reformat and re-indent bookmarklets, ugly JavaScript, and unpack scripts with options available via UI.

DOMPurify is a fast XSS sanitizer for HTML, MathML, and SVG.

Linx Logo


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A tool that reveals invisible links within JavaScript files

Python library and command line tools for log visualization with interactive plots.

NoPP Logo


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Protect against Prototype Pollution vulnerabilities in your application by freezing JavaScript objects.

Phish Report is inaccessible without JavaScript and cookies enabled.

CIRTKit Logo


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A DFIR console integrating various cybersecurity tools and frameworks for efficient incident response.

peepdf Logo


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A Python tool for in-depth PDF analysis and modification.

A detailed analysis of malicious packages and how they work

Stixview is a JS library for embeddable interactive STIX2 graphs, aiming to bridge the gap between CTI stories and structured CTI snapshots.

nudge4j Logo


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nudge4j is a tool to control Java applications from the browser and experiment with live code.


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A javascript malware analysis tool with backend code execution.

A Node.js Ebook by GENTILHOMME Thomas, covering Node.js development and resources

Revelo is an experimental Javascript deobfuscator tool with features to analyze and deobfuscate Javascript code.

FingerprintJS is a client-side browser fingerprinting library that provides a unique visitor identifier unaffected by incognito mode.

A comprehensive mind map diagram summarizing Javascript syntax and concepts in a single picture.

A comprehensive guide to Python 3 syntax, features, and resources in a single image.