
24 tools and resources


A multi-threaded scanner for identifying CORS flaws and misconfigurations

A fast and simple DOM based XSS vulnerability scanner

Dalfox Logo


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Dalfox is a powerful open-source XSS scanner and utility focused on automation.

Nuclei Logo


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Fast and customizable vulnerability scanner

A tool for Local File Inclusion (LFI) exploitation and scanning

CMSmap Logo


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A python open source CMS scanner that automates the process of detecting security flaws of the most popular CMSs.

sandmap Logo


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A simple CLI tool that extends the functionality of Nmap

Nikto Logo


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Web server scanner for identifying security vulnerabilities.

JS-Scan Logo


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A JavaScript scanner built in PHP for scraping URLs and other information.

A comprehensive guide to Nessus, a vulnerability scanner, covering data directories, binary directories, logs directories, plugin directories, advanced settings, API, and good practices.

A platform providing real-time threat intelligence streams and reports on internet-exposed assets to help organizations monitor and secure their attack surface.

A simple IOC scanner bash script for Linux/Unix/OSX systems

Python-based extension for integrating a Yara scanner into Burp Suite for on-demand website scans based on custom rules.

Utility for comparing control flow graph signatures to Android methods with scanning capabilities for malicious applications.

A website scanner that provides a sandbox for the web, allowing users to scan URLs and websites for potential threats and vulnerabilities.

Management portal for LoKi scanner with centralized database for scanning activities.

CLI tool for offensive and defensive security assessments on the Joi validator library with a wide range of attacks.

A collection of tools that can be used with Honeyd for data analysis or other purposes

A multithreaded YARA scanner for incident response or malware zoos.

Spyre Logo


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A simple, self-contained modular host-based IOC scanner for incident responders.

A free, fast, and flexible multi-platform IOC and YARA scanner for Windows, Linux, and macOS.

WhatWeb Logo


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A next-generation web scanner that identifies websites and recognizes web technologies, including content management systems, blogging platforms, and more.