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Online Version: Notebook IPython Notebook Version Preview Related projects: Javascript in one pic, Go in one pic (in preparation) Use IPython notebook, it's really very cool! Basic Syntax: Native Datatypes, Number, String, Boolean, None, Byte, List, Tuple, Set, Dict Operators & Casting Flow Control: if/elif/else,, while, break & continue Iterators & Generators, Comprehensions Function Definition, Arguments, Lambda, Documentation, @decorator Class(OOP): class, __init__() & self, Instance, Inheritance, Override Module import, Search Path, Package, Pythonic Standard Libraries: os, sys, datetime Donation: If you find this project helpful, please consider making a donation with bitcoin or other way 🍻 References: Python 3.4.3 documentation, Dive Into Python 3, Writing Idiomatic Python 3.3, Google Python Style Guide, 廖雪峰的Python教程 License: See the LICENSE file for license rights and limitations (MIT).