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Stixview is a JS library for embeddable interactive STIX2 graphs. In addition, jupyter-widget-stixview is a Jupyter notebook widget that uses Stixview to render STIX2 graphs. CTI (Cyber Threat Intelligence) is very much about telling stories. Information becomes intelligence when it is complimented with a context and is placed in a story. These stories are usually crystallised in the reports by an intelligence provider and disseminated to the customers. If intelligence provider cares about structured machine-readable CTI, the reports produced will be supplemented with STIX2 bundles. There is a gap there between a story, narrated in a report, and a structured CTI snapshot, represented by a STIX2 bundle. The objective of Stixview library is to provide easily embeddable STIX2 graphs with necessary level of interactivity, so that CTI community can create informative and engaging stories. Demos: - STIX2.1 demo — sample graph with all STIX 2.1 objects. - Storyline — multiple graphs per page, rendering selected entities from the same STIX bundle. - Viewer — graph viewer with custom controls. - Drag-n-drop — graph views