
10 tools and resources


A set of PHP scripts for practicing LFI, RFI, and CMD injection vulnerabilities.

A series of vulnerable virtual machine images with documentation to teach Linux, Apache, PHP, MySQL security.

Apache 2 based honeypot for detecting and blocking Struts CVE 2017-5638 exploit with added support for content disposition filename parsing vulnerability.

Detect users' operating systems and perform redirection with Apache mod_rewrite.

Using Apache mod_rewrite as a redirector to filter C2 traffic for Cobalt Strike servers.

A guide on using Apache mod_rewrite to strengthen phishing attacks and bypass mobile device restrictions

A tool that uses Apache mod_rewrite to redirect invalid URIs to a specified URL

A web honeypot tool for detecting and monitoring potential attacks on phpMyAdmin installations.

A tutorial on how to use Apache mod_rewrite to randomly serve payloads in phishing attacks

A web application security testing platform that helps you test your knowledge on web application security through realistic scenarios with known vulnerabilities.