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UglifyJS is a JavaScript parser, minifier, compressor, and beautifier toolkit. Note: uglify-js supports JavaScript and most language features in ECMAScript. For more exotic parts of ECMAScript, process your source file with transpilers like Babel before passing onto uglify-js. uglify-js@3 has a simplified API and CLI that is not backwards compatible with uglify-js@2. Install: First, make sure you have installed the latest version of node.js (You may need to restart your computer after this step). From NPM for use as a command line app: npm install uglify-js -g From NPM for programmatic use: npm install uglify-js Command line usage: uglifyjs [input files] [options] UglifyJS can take multiple input files. It's recommended that you pass the input files first, then pass the options. UglifyJS will parse input files in sequence and apply any compression options. The files are parsed in the same global scope, that is, a reference from a file to some variable/function declared in another file will be matched properly. If no input file is specified, UglifyJS will read from STDIN. If you wish to pass your options before the input files, separate the two with a double dash to prevent issues.