
16 tools and resources


Rizin Logo


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A reverse engineering framework with a focus on usability and code cleanliness

A malware/botnet analysis framework with a focus on network analysis and process comparison.

A guide to secure Ruby development, providing guidelines and recommendations for secure coding practices.

dotgpg Logo


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A tool for securely backing up and versioning production secrets or shared passwords

Patch-level verification tool for bundler to check for vulnerable gems and insecure sources.

WPScan Logo


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WordPress security scanner for identifying vulnerabilities in WordPress websites.

SecGen creates vulnerable virtual machines and hacking challenges for learning security penetration testing techniques.

A medium-interaction PostgreSQL honeypot with configurable settings

Find RCE gadgets for CTF pwn challenges with ease.

A Ruby framework designed to aid in the penetration testing of WordPress systems.

A community effort to compile security advisories for Ruby libraries with a detailed directory structure.

A backend agnostic debugger frontend for debugging binaries without source code access.

A multi-threaded AWS security-focused inventory collection tool with comprehensive resource coverage and efficient data collection methods.

Fuzzapi Logo


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Fuzzapi is a Rails application with a user-friendly UI for API_Fuzzer gem and Docker setup.

Ensnare Logo


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Ensnare is a gem plugin for Ruby on Rails that enables quick deployment of a malicious behavior detection and response scheme using Honey Traps and Trap Responses.

Automate version scraping and vulnerability scanning for Ruby on Rails stacks.