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If you want to use import "" in your own Go code, you can get godoc at: To run the standalone cwtriage tool: - cwtriage runs crashfiles with instrumentation and outputs results in various formats - Usage: cwtriage -root /path/to/afl-dir [-match pattern] -- /path/to/target -in @@ -out whatever ( @@ will be substituted for each crashfile ) - -afl Prefer the AFL recorded crashing command, if present - -engine string Debugging engine to use: [gdb lldb] (default "gdb") - -every int Run every n seconds (default -1) - -f string Template filename to use while running crash - -ignore string Directory skip pattern ( go regex syntax ) - -match string Match pattern for files ( go regex syntax ) - -mem int Memory limit for target processes (MB) (default -1) - -output string Output format to use: [json pb text] (default "text") - -root string Root directory to look for crashes - -seen Include seen results from the DB in the output - -seendb string Path to BoltDB (default "crashwalk.db") - -strict Abort the whole run if any crashes fail to repro - -t int Timeout for target processes (secs) (default 60) - -tidy Move crashes tha