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Short for "WebSocket/ Proxy", this tool, written in Node.js, provides a user interface to capture, intercept, send custom messages and view all WebSocket and Socket.IO communications between the client and server. Upstream proxy support also means you can forward HTTP/HTTPS traffic to an intercepting proxy of your choice (e.g. Burp Suite or Pappy Proxy) but view WebSocket traffic in WSSiP. There is an outward bridge via HTTP to write a fuzzer in any language you choose to debug and fuzz for security vulnerabilities. See Fuzzing for more details. Written and maintained by Samantha Chalker (@thekettu). Icon for WSSiP release provided by @dragonfoxing. Installation From Packaged Application See Releases. From npx via npm (for CLI commands) Run the following in your command line: npx wssip. From Source Using a command line: # Clone repository locally git clone # Change to the directory cd wssip # If you are developing for WSSiP: # npm i # If not... (as to minimize disk space): npm i electron npm i --production # Yarn version: # yarn add electron # yarn install