
23 tools and resources


netsniff-ng is a free Linux networking toolkit with zero-copy mechanisms for network development, analysis, and auditing.

fatt Logo


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A script for extracting network metadata and fingerprints such as JA3 and HASSH from packet capture files or live network traffic.

A collection of PCAPs for ICS/SCADA utilities and protocols with the option for users to contribute.

sniffle Logo


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A Bluetooth 5 and 4.x sniffer using TI CC1352/CC26x2 hardware with advanced features and Python-based host-side software.

A utility for splitting packet traces along TCP connection boundaries.

PCAPdroid is a privacy-friendly app for tracking, analyzing, and blocking network connections on your device.

CapTipper is a python tool to analyze, explore, and revive HTTP malicious traffic.

A tool for classifying packets into flows based on 4-tuple without additional processing.

A wrapper around jNetPcap for packet capturing with Clojure, available for Linux and Windows.

A blog sharing packet capture files and malware samples for training and analysis, with archived posts and traffic analysis exercises.



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A multi-threaded intrusion detection system using Yara for network and stream IDS

Netdude Logo


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Network Dump data Displayer and Editor framework for tcpdump trace files manipulation.

A multi-threading tool for sniffing HTTP header records with support for offline and live sniffing, TCP flow statistics, and JSON output.

pcapfex Logo


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A tool for extracting files from packet capture files with ease of use and extensibility for Python developers.

replayproxy allows you to 're-live' a HTTP session captured in a .pcap file, parsing HTTP streams, caching them, and starting a HTTP proxy to reply to requests with matching responses.

PacketQ Logo


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A command line tool for running SQL queries on PCAP files with various output options and a simplistic web-server.

A Hadoop library for reading and querying PCAP files

Mercury Logo


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Network metadata capture and analysis tool

Independent software vendor specializing in network security tools and network forensics.

A toolkit for forensic analysis of network appliances with YARA decoding options and frame extraction capabilities.

Joy Logo


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A package for capturing and analyzing network flow data and intraflow data.

Repository of pcap traces for evaluating Network Intrusion Detection Systems in HVAC systems.

Potiron Logo


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Normalize, index, enrich, and visualize network capture data using Potiron.