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This module implements YARA bindings for Node.js. This module is supported on Linux and MacOS (using homebrew) platforms only. This module uses the installed version of libyara. You should download, compile and install your preferred version, or use one of the following commands using your system package manager: # CentOS/Red Hat sudo yum install yara-devel # Debian/Ubuntu sudo apt-get install libyara-dev # MacOS (using homebrew) sudo brew install yara This module is installed using node package manager (npm): # This module contains C++ source code which will be compiled # during installation using node-gyp. A suitable build chain # must be configured before installation. npm install yara It is loaded using the require() function: var yara = require("yara") Following initialisation of this module Scanner objects can then be created, and content scanned using YARA rules: yara.initialize(function(error) { if (error) { console.error(error.message) } else { var rule_string = [ "rule is_good {", " condition:", " true", "}" ].join("\n") var rules = [ {filename: "rules.yara"}, {string: rule_string} ] var scanner = yara.createScanner() scanner.configure({rules: rules}, function(error,