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CFGScanDroid is a utility for comparing control flow graph (CFG) signatures to the control flow graphs of Android methods. It was designed as a scanner for malicious applications. Building: If you do not have Maven installed: sudo apt-get install maven (If you're on a non-Debian OS, I believe in you and your ability to get Maven installed.) If you have Maven, the build script should run the correct command: ./ This will create a file: target/CFGScanDroid-0.1-jar-with-dependencies.jar Running: java -jar target/CFGScanDroid-0.1-jar-with-dependencies.jar USAGE: Must have one of (-d|-s|-l|-r) and you should probably specify some DEX files (-f) to use too ESSENTIALS: -f, -dex-files DEX file(s) to run -d, -dump-sigs Dump signature for each method of each DEX file -s, -sig-file A file containing signatures -r, -raw-signature Pass a signature in raw on the command line -l, -load-sigs-from-dex DEX file(s) whose methods to scan with SCAN MODES: -e, -exact-match Only match complete signature CFG to function CFG -p, -partial-match Find the signature graph