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Spyre is a simple host-based IOC scanner built around the YARA pattern matching engine and other scan modules. The main goal of this project is easy operationalization of YARA rules and other indicators of compromise. Users need to bring their own rule sets. Spyre is intended to be used as an investigation tool by incident responders, not as an endpoint protection service. Getting Started: Using Spyre is easy - add YARA signatures. In its default configuration, Spyre will read YARA rules for file and process scanning from filescan.yar and procscan.yar, respectively. Various options exist for providing rules files to Spyre.



Scan files with Yara, match findings to VirusTotal comments.

Aggregator of FireHOL IP lists with HTTP-based API service and Python client package.

C# wrapper around Yara pattern matching library with Loki and Yara signature support.

Open Source Threat Intelligence Collector with plugin-oriented framework.

CAPEC™ is a comprehensive dictionary of known attack patterns used by adversaries to exploit weaknesses in cyber-enabled capabilities.

Sample detection rules and dashboards for Google Security Operations

Hippocampe is a threat feed aggregator with configurable confidence levels and a Hipposcore for determining maliciousness.

Repository of Yara Rules created by TjNel.

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