26 tools and resources
A PHP library for secure data encryption with easy-to-use API.
A PHP port of Rack::Honeypot, a spam trap that detects and blocks spambots
Comprehensive guide on best practices for PHP development.
HoneyView is a tool for analyzing honeyd logfiles graphically and textually.
A toolkit that transforms PHP applications into web-based high-interaction Honeypots for monitoring and analyzing attacks.
A JavaScript scanner built in PHP for scraping URLs and other information.
A project developed for pentesters to practice SQL Injection concepts in a controlled environment.
A set of PHP scripts for practicing LFI, RFI, and CMD injection vulnerabilities.
A Yara ruleset for detecting PHP shells and other webserver malware.
A webshell manager via terminal for controlling web servers running PHP or MySQL.
A series of vulnerable virtual machine images with documentation to teach Linux, Apache, PHP, MySQL security.
Mellivora Mellivora is a PHP-based CTF engine with a wide range of features for managing Capture The Flag competitions.
A web application designed to be 'Xtremely Vulnerable' for security enthusiasts to learn application security.
A PHP OAuth 2.0 authorization server implementation with support for various grants and RFCs.
A blog about various cybersecurity-related topics, including home networking, compiler development, and security vulnerabilities.
A library for forward compatibility with PHP password functions.
Python web application honeypot with vulnerability type emulation and modular design.
A PHP/MySQL web application designed to aid security professionals in testing their skills and tools in a legal environment.
A free and open-source deliberately insecure web application for security enthusiasts, developers, and students to discover and prevent web vulnerabilities.
A library of PHP unserialize() payloads and a tool to generate them.
A PHP 5.x polyfill for random_bytes() and random_int() created by Paragon Initiative Enterprises.
OWASP Damn Vulnerable Web Sockets (DVWS) is a vulnerable web application for client-server communication with numerous vulnerabilities.
Full-featured C2 framework for stealthy communication and control on web servers.
A portable public domain password hashing framework for PHP applications.
A web application security testing platform that helps you test your knowledge on web application security through realistic scenarios with known vulnerabilities.
A vulnerable web site for testing Sentinel features