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Wiring a Home Network Last year, my partner and I moved into a new (to us) house. One of the first things I needed to get done was to get our home network setup as we both were (still are) working from home due to COVID-19. This post will explore some of that process, some of the decisions I made along the way, what I learned, and some details on the end setup. Networking Wiring IT Home A PHP Compiler, aka The FFI Rabbit Hole It’s no secret that I’m into building toy compilers and programming languages. Today I’m introducing something that’s not a toy (I hope). Today, I’m introducing php-compiler (among many other projects). My hope is that these projects will grow from experimental status into fully production ready systems. PHP HHVM Open Source Compiler libjit libgccjit llvm Optimization Performance Recki-CT Protecting Against XSS In RAILS - JavaScript Contexts Recently my team was working to implement Brakeman in our CI processes to automatically scan our codebase for security vulnerabilities. Among a few other issues, it identified a handful of similar XSS vulnerabilities of a similar pattern: <script type="text/javascript"> var FOO = "<%= raw whatever %>"; ReactDOM.render(<Blah foo={window.FOO} />, document.getElementById('some_place')); </script> This is a pretty straight forward vulnerability, since passing untrusted data to a JavaScript context can lead to XSS.