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random_compat PHP 5.x polyfill for random_bytes() and random_int() created and maintained by Paragon Initiative Enterprises. Although this library should function in earlier versions of PHP, we will only consider issues relevant to supported PHP versions. If you are using an unsupported version of PHP, please upgrade as soon as possible. Important: Although this library has been examined by some security experts in the PHP community, there will always be a chance that we overlooked something. Please ask your favorite trusted hackers to hammer it for implementation errors and bugs before even thinking about deploying it in production. Do not use the master branch, use a stable release. For the background of this library, please refer to our blog post on Generating Random Integers and Strings in PHP. Usability Notice: If PHP cannot safely generate random data, this library will throw an Exception. It will never fall back to insecure random data. If this keeps happening, upgrade to a newer version of PHP immediately. Installing With Composer: # For libraries and frameworks that support PHP 5 but may be used by # other software that only supports PHP 7: composer require paragonie/random_