
31 tools and resources


A collection of tools for extracting and analyzing information from .git repositories


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Copy executables with execute, but no read permission on Unix systems.


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HxD is a freeware hex editor and disk editor with advanced features for editing files, memory, and disks.

A tool that scans a corpus of malware and builds a YARA rule to detect similar code sections.

pybof Logo


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A Python library for loading and executing Beacon Object Files (BOFs) in-memory.

Verify scripts and executables to mitigate chain of supply attacks.

xxd Logo


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A command-line tool for creating hex dumps, converting between binary and human-readable representations, and patching binary files.

Visually inspect regex matches in binary data/text with YARA and regular expressions, displaying matched bytes and surrounding context.

SWFTools is a collection of utilities for working with Adobe Flash files, including tools for converting PDFs, images, audio, and video files to SWF format.

Binkit Logo


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Cybersecurity tool merging DarunGrim's analysis algorithms, currently in internal testing for official release.

Python forensic tool for extracting and analyzing information from Firefox, Iceweasel, and Seamonkey browsers.

PLCinject is a tool for injecting and patching blocks on PLCs with a call instruction.

A library to access and parse the Microsoft Internet Explorer Cache File format.

Comprehensive cheat sheet for SQLite SQL injection techniques and payloads.

A tool for creating compact Linux memory dumps compatible with popular debugging tools.

A Python script that converts shellcode into a PE32 or PE32+ file.

Bmaptool is a project no longer maintained by Intel, users are advised to create their own fork for ongoing use.

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UPX is a high-performance executable packer for various executable formats.

Krakatau provides an assembler and disassembler for Java bytecode, supporting conversion, creation, examination, comparison, and decompilation of Java binaries.

A command-line utility for examining Objective-C runtime information in Mach-O files and generating class declarations.

libqcow Logo


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A library to access and read QEMU Copy-On-Write (QCOW) image file formats with support for zlib compression and AES-CBC encryption.

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A command-line utility for extracting human-readable text from binary files.

A tool for malware analysts to search through base64-encoded samples and generate yara rules.

Inceptor is a template-driven framework for evading Anti-Virus and Endpoint Detection and Response solutions, allowing users to create custom evasion techniques and test their security controls.

Kaitai Struct is a declarative language for describing binary data structures.

A medium interaction printer honeypot that simulates a standard networked printer

wxHexEditor is a free hex editor / disk editor with various data manipulation operations and visualization functionalities.

WinHex Logo


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Universal hexadecimal editor for computer forensics, data recovery, and IT security.

yextend Logo


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A tool designed to handle archive file data and augment Yara's capabilities.