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Miniprint acts like a standard networked printer that has been accidentally exposed to the public internet. It speaks the Printer Job Language (PJL) over the raw network protocol. Features include a fully-featured virtual filesystem in which attackers can read and write files and directories - nothing gets written to the host. Any PostScript or plaintext print jobs sent to the printer will be saved to the uploads/ directory. Extensive logging is also provided. It is recommended to install the tool using virtualenv and pip3. Usage: miniprint [-b,--bind HOST] [-l,--log-file FILE] [-t,--time-out TIME] [-h] Optional arguments include -b, --bind <host> to bind the server to a specific host, -l, --log-file <file> to save logs to a specific file, and -t, --timeout <time> to set a time limit for commands before disconnecting the client. To interactively attack miniprint on localhost, you can use the command `miniprint`.