Class-dump is a command-line utility for examining the Objective-C runtime information stored in Mach-O files. It generates declarations for the classes, categories, and protocols, presenting them as normal Objective-C declarations for easier readability. It allows users to explore closed source applications, frameworks, and bundles, track interface changes between releases, experiment with private frameworks, and discover hidden features in various applications.
Collection of Python scripts for automating tasks and enhancing IDA Pro functionality
A serverless, real-time, and retroactive malware detection tool that scans files with YARA rules and alerts incident response teams.
A web-based manager for Yara rules, allowing for storage, editing, and management of Yara rules.
A tool that scans a corpus of malware and builds a YARA rule to detect similar code sections.
A generator for YARA rules that creates rules from strings found in malware files while removing strings from goodware files.
Automates the process of preparing Android APK files for HTTPS inspection
ILSpy is the open-source .NET assembly browser and decompiler with various decompiler frontends and features.

An AI-powered career platform that automates the creation of cybersecurity job application materials and provides company-specific insights for job seekers.

Mandos Brief Newsletter
A weekly newsletter providing cybersecurity leadership insights, industry updates, and strategic guidance for security professionals advancing to management positions.

Checkmarx SCA
A software composition analysis tool that identifies vulnerabilities, malicious code, and license risks in open source dependencies throughout the software development lifecycle.

Check Point CloudGuard WAF
A cloud-native web application and API security solution that uses contextual AI to protect against known and zero-day threats without signature-based detection.

Orca Security
A cloud-native application protection platform that provides agentless security monitoring, vulnerability management, and compliance capabilities across multi-cloud environments.

A GitHub application that performs automated security code reviews by analyzing contextual security aspects of code changes during pull requests.

Wiz Cloud Security Platform is a cloud-native security platform that enables security, dev, and devops to work together in a self-service model, detecting and preventing cloud security threats in real-time.