
12 tools and resources


A tool for searching a Git repository for interesting content

A command-line program for finding secrets and sensitive information in textual data and Git history.

A tool that uses NLP and ML to identify potential software vulnerabilities from git commit messages

A collection of tools for extracting and analyzing information from .git repositories

Instructions for setting up SIREN, including downloading Linux dependencies, cloning the repository, setting up virtual environment, installing pip requirements, running SIREN, setting up Snort on Pi, and MySQL setup.

Prevents you from committing passwords and other sensitive information to a git repository.

A tool to leak git repositories from misconfigured websites

Rip web accessible (distributed) version control systems: SVN, GIT, Mercurial/hg, bzr, ...

A tool to capture all the git secrets by leveraging multiple open source git searching tools.

Safely store secrets in version control repositories with GPG encryption support.

Search engine for open-source Git repositories with advanced features like case sensitivity and regular expressions.