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clj-net-pcap is a wrapper/adapter/facade around jNetPcap that enables and eases packet capturing with Clojure. Requirements/Dependencies: clj-net-pcap is currently available for Linux and Windows for both x86 and x86_64 architecture. Please note that clj-net-pcap requires native packet capturing libraries. For Linux, this is the libpcap library. For Windows, this is the winpcap library. Typically, these libraries have to be installed separately. On Linux, this is usually done via the packet manager of the respective distribution. When using clj-net-pcap via Leiningen or Maven, all Java/Clojure related dependencies should be resolved and pulled in automatically. Additionally, please note that on Linux clj-net-pcap expects the libpcap library to be named ''. If this is not the case this can be fixed by, e.g., adding a symbolic link like shown for Fedora below: sudo ln -s /usr/lib64/ /usr/lib64/ Usage: clj-net-pcap is primarily intended as a library that is used by other applications. However, it can be run as sample stand-alone command line application as follows: java -jar clj-net-pcap-standalone-jar-file



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