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A Ruby framework designed to aid in the penetration testing of WordPress systems. Installation: To install the latest stable build, run 'gem install wpxf'. After installation, you can launch the WordPress Exploit Framework console by running 'wpxf'. Requirements: Ruby >= 2.4.4 is required to run WordPress Exploit Framework. Troubleshooting Installation: Debian Systems: If you have issues installing WPXF's dependencies (in particular, Nokogiri), first make sure you have all the tooling necessary to compile C extensions: 'sudo apt-get install build-essential patch'. It’s possible that you don’t have important development header files installed on your system. Here’s what you should do if you should find yourself in this situation: 'sudo apt-get install ruby-dev zlib1g-dev liblzma-dev libsqlite3-dev'. Windows Systems: If you are experiencing errors that indicate that 'libcurl.dll' could not be loaded, you will need to ensure the latest libcurl binary is included in your Ruby bin folder, or any other folder that is in your environment's PATH variable. The latest version can be downloaded from As of 16/05/2016, the latest release.