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dotgpg is a tool for backing up and versioning your production secrets or shared passwords securely and easily. Getting started If you're a ruby developer, you know the drill. Either gem install dotgpg or add gem "dotgpg" to your Gemfile. There are also instructions for use without ruby. Mac OS X brew install gpg sudo gem install dotgpg Ubuntu sudo apt-get install ruby1.9 sudo gem install dotgpg RedHat/CentOS sudo yum install ruby ruby-devel sudo gem install dotgpg Usage dotgpg init To get started run dotgpg init. Unless you've used GPG before, it will prompt you for a new passphrase. You should make this passphrase as secure as your SSH passphrase, i.e. 12-20 characters and not just letters. $ dotgpg init Creating a new GPG key: Conrad Irwin <> Passphrase: Passphrase confirmation: dotgpg edit To create or edit files, just use dotgpg edit. I recommend you use the .gpg suffix so that other tools know what these files contain. $ dotgpg edit production.gpg [ opens your $EDITOR ] dotgpg create To create an encrypted file from piped input, use dotgpg create. I recommend you use the .gpg suffix so that other tools know what these files contain. $ echo foo | dotgpg create