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The Ruby Advisory Database is a community effort to compile all security advisories that are relevant to Ruby libraries. You can check your own Gemfile.locks against this database by using bundler-audit. Support Ruby security! Do you know about a vulnerability that isn't listed in this database? Open an issue or submit a PR. Directory Structure: The database is a list of directories that match the names of Ruby libraries on Within each directory are one or more advisory files for the Ruby library. These advisory files are named using the advisories' CVE identifier number. - gems/ - actionpack/ - CVE-2014-0130.yml - CVE-2014-7818.yml - CVE-2014-7829.yml - CVE-2015-7576.yml - CVE-2015-7581.yml - CVE-2016-0751.yml - CVE-2016-0752.yml - rubies/ - jruby/ ... - mruby/ ... - ruby/ ... - gems/ The gems/ directory contains sub-directories that match the names of the Ruby libraries on Within each directory are one or more advisory files for the Ruby library. These advisory files are named using the advisories' CVE or GHSA ID. - rubies/ The rubies/ directory contains sub-directories for each Ruby implementation. Within each directory are one or more advisory files for the Ruby library.