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Ensnare is packaged as a gem plugin for Ruby on Rails and was developed to allow configuring and deploying a basic malicious behavior detection and response scheme in less than ten minutes. Ensnare uses a combination of Honey Traps to entice malicious users, and a configurable suite of Trap Responses to confuse, allude, delay, or stop an attacker. Already heard about the tool and want to try it out? Do it! - Install the gem by adding it to your project's Gemfile: gem 'ensnare', :git => 'git@github.com:ahoernecke/Ensnare.git' - Install the gem: bundle install - Run the migrations for Ensnare: rake ensnare:install:migrations rake db:migrate - Enable parameter tampering for your application by changing the mass_assignment_sanitizer: vi config/environments/<ENVIRONMENT>.rb - Set config.active_record.mass_assignment_sanitizer to logger: config.active_record.mass_assignment_sanitizer = :logger - Enable Ensnare in your application_controller.rb file: vi app/controllers/application_controller.rb - Append the following filter below protect_from_forgery in your application_controller.rb file: before_filter :ensnare - Add the following to the end of your routes.rb file: mount Ensnare::Engine => "/ensnare", :a