SIEM and Log Management

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A tool that collects and displays user activity and system events on a Windows system.

A dynamic GUI for advanced log analysis, allowing users to execute SQL queries on structured log data.



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A tool for advanced HTTPD logfile security analysis and forensics, implementing various techniques to detect attacks against web applications.

Logdissect is a CLI utility and Python library for analyzing log files and other data.

A collection of free shareable log samples from various systems with evidence of compromise and malicious activity, maintained by Dr. Anton Chuvakin.

Standalone SIGMA-based detection tool for EVTX, Auditd, Sysmon for Linux, XML or JSONL/NDJSON Logs.

Python application to translate Zeek logs into ElasticSearch's bulk load JSON format with detailed instructions and features.

ElastAlert is a framework for alerting on anomalies in Elasticsearch data.

A method for log volume reduction without losing analytical capability.

Open source security data lake for AWS with real-time log normalization and Detection-as-Code capabilities.

GrokEVT Logo


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GrokEVT is a tool for reading Windows event log files and converting them to a human-readable format.

Serverless, real-time data analysis framework for incident detection and response.

A tool collection for filtering and visualizing logon events, designed for experienced DFIR specialists in threat hunting and incident response.

Search AWS CloudWatch logs on the command line with aws-sdk-for-go.

A Command Line Map-Reduce tool for analyzing cowrie log files over time and creating visualizations and statistics.

Graylog Logo


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Graylog offers advanced log management and SIEM capabilities to enhance security and compliance across various industries.