SIEM and Log Management

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A cloud-native SIEM platform that provides security analytics, intuitive workflow, and simplified incident response to help security teams defend against cyber threats.

A collection of free shareable log samples from various systems with evidence of compromise and malicious activity, maintained by Dr. Anton Chuvakin.

Windows Event Log Analyzer with logon timeline generator and noise reduction for fast forensics.

RedELK Logo


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RedELK enhances Red Team operations with SIEM capabilities to monitor and alert on Blue Team activities.

Serverless, real-time data analysis framework for incident detection and response.

ELAT (Event Log Analysis Tool) is a tool that helps in analyzing Windows event logs for malware detection.

Access a repository of Analytic Stories and security guides mapped to industry frameworks, with Splunk searches, machine learning algorithms, and playbooks for threat detection and response.

A tool collection for filtering and visualizing logon events, designed for experienced DFIR specialists in threat hunting and incident response.

Graylog Logo


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Graylog offers advanced log management and SIEM capabilities to enhance security and compliance across various industries.