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Logdissect is a CLI utility and Python library for analyzing log files and other data. It can parse, merge, filter, and export data (to log files, or JSON). Installing: To install the latest release, see the latest instructions on the releases page. To install the development source, see the instructions in Usage Options: usage: [-h] [--dhost DHOST] [--grep PATTERN] [--last LAST] [--process PROCESS] [--protocol PROTOCOL] [--range RANGE] [--utc] [--rdhost DHOST] [--rgrep PATTERN] [--rprocess PROCESS] [--rprotocol PROTOCOL] [--rshost SHOST] [--rsource SOURCE] [--shost SHOST] [--source SOURCE] [--linejson LINEJSON] [--outlog OUTLOG] [--label LABEL] [--sojson SOJSON] [--pretty] [--version] [--verbose] [-s] [--list-parsers] [-p PARSER] [-z] [-t TZONE] [file [file ...]] For library documentation, see the module documentation.