
11 tools and resources


Provides advanced external threat intelligence to help organizations proactively identify and mitigate potential security threats.

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A tool for identifying potential security threats by fetching known URLs and filtering out URLs with open redirection or SSRF parameters.

Open source software for leveraging insights from flow and packet analysis to identify potential security threats or attacks.

A honeypot system designed to detect and analyze potential security threats

6Guard is an IPv6 attack detector sponsored by Google Summer of Code 2012 and supported by The Honeynet Project organization.

A machine learning-based approach to detect and prevent data breaches using natural language processing and machine learning algorithms.

Packet Storm is a global security resource providing around-the-clock information and tools to mitigate personal data and fiscal loss on a global scale.

Real-time monitoring tool for newly issued SSL certificates.

F-Secure Blog provides in-depth articles and research on cybersecurity threats and best practices.

Repository of plugins for the Honeycomb honeypot framework

A low-interaction honeypot for detecting and analyzing security threats