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About go-audit is an alternative to the auditd daemon that ships with many distros. After having created an auditd audisp plugin to convert audit logs to json, I became interested in creating a replacement for the existing daemon. Goals: - Safe: Written in a modern language that is type safe and performant - Fast: Never ever ever ever block if we can avoid it - Outputs json: Yay - Pluggable pipelines: Can write to syslog, local file, Graylog2, or stdout. Additional outputs are easily written. Connects to the Linux kernel via netlink. Usage: - Installation: Install golang, version 1.14 or greater is required. Clone the repo, build the binary, and copy the binary go-audit to wherever you'd like. - Testing: Run unit test suite, code coverage results, benchmark test suite, benchmark test suite with CPU profiling, and benchmark test suite with CPU profiling and GC collection. - Running as a service: Check the contrib folder, it contains examples for how to run go-audit as a proper service on.