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Cloud Security Suite (cs-suite)

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Version 3.0 Usage usage: [-h] -env {aws,gcp,azure,digitalocean} -aip AUDIT_IP -u USER_NAME -pem PEM_FILE [-p] [-pId PROJECT_ID] [-az_u AZURE_USER] [-az_p AZURE_PASS] [-o OUTPUT] [-w] [-n NUMBER] this is to get IP address for lynis audit only optional arguments: -h, --help show this help message and exit -env {aws,gcp,azure,digitalocean}, --environment {aws,gcp,azure,digitalocean} The cloud on which the test-suite is to be run -aip AUDIT_IP, --audit_ip AUDIT_IP The IP for which lynis Audit needs to be done .... by default tries root/Administrator if username not provided -u USER_NAME, --user_name USER_NAME The username of the user to be logged in,for a specific user -pem PEM_FILE, --pem_file PEM_FILE The pem file to access to AWS instance -p, --password hidden password prompt -pId PROJECT_ID, --project_id PROJECT_ID Project ID for which GCP Audit needs to be run. Can be retrivied using `gcloud projects list` -az_u AZURE_USER, --azure_user AZURE_USER username of azure account, optionally used if you want to run the azure audit with no user interaction. -az_p AZURE_PASS, --azure_pass AZURE_PASS username of azure password, optionally used if you



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