Cloud and Container Security

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Syft Logo


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A CLI tool and Go library for generating a Software Bill of Materials (SBOM) from container images and filesystems.

Tool for assessing compliance and running vulnerability scans on Docker images.

Discover and understand the Docker Layer 2 ICC Bug and its implications on inter-container communication.

gVisor Logo


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gVisor is an application kernel that provides isolation for running sandboxed containers.

Create Docker container images for testing and long-term use.

A tool for pillaging Docker registries to extract image manifests and configurations.

drydock Logo


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Docker security audit tool with custom audit profiles and JSON report generation based on CIS Docker 1.6 Benchmark.

A framework to analyze container images and gather useful information.

Buildah Logo


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A tool for building Open Container Initiative (OCI) container images with various functionalities.

Exploit that launches a process on the host from within a Docker container run with the --privileged flag by abusing the Linux cgroup v1 “notification on release” feature.

Weave Scope automatically generates a map of your application for troubleshooting and monitoring Docker & Kubernetes.

Docker's Actuary automates security best-practices checks for Docker containers.

Cloud Container Attack Tool (CCAT) is a tool for testing security of container environments.

Python library for building Docker images with advanced features.