Cloud and Container Security

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A tool to identify publicly accessible S3 objects

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An open-source security tool for AWS, Azure, Google Cloud, and Kubernetes security assessments and audits.

Conmachi is a Golang tool for scanning container environments for security issues.

AWS Scout2 is a security tool for AWS administrators to assess their environment's security posture.

Multi-account cloud security tool for AWS with real-time reporting and auto-remediation capabilities.

Analyzes CloudTrail data of a given AWS account and generates a summary of recently active IAM principals, API calls they made, as well as regions, IP addresses and user agents they used.

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Docker security audit tool with custom audit profiles and JSON report generation based on CIS Docker 1.6 Benchmark.

Detect off-instance key usage in AWS by analyzing CloudTrail files locally.

A tool to analyze and audit AWS environments for security issues and misconfigurations.

Open-source tool for analyzing AWS temporary tokens to detect malicious activity.

A script and library for identifying risks in AWS IAM configuration