Cloud and Container Security

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Anchore Enterprise is a platform that protects and secures software supply chains end-to-end.

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A tool for testing AWS S3 bucket permissions and security

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An open-source security tool for AWS, Azure, Google Cloud, and Kubernetes security assessments and audits.

AWS Scout2 is a security tool for AWS administrators to assess their environment's security posture.

Tool for assessing compliance and running vulnerability scans on Docker images.

Open-source project for detecting security risks in cloud infrastructure accounts with support for AWS, Azure, GCP, OCI, and GitHub.

An open source cloud security platform for discovering, prioritizing, and remediating risks in the cloud.

Automatically compile AWS SCPs for compliant AWS services based on preferred frameworks.

AWS Cloud Security offers security services and compliance tools for securing data and applications on AWS.

Detect off-instance key usage in AWS by analyzing CloudTrail files locally.

A tool to analyze and audit AWS environments for security issues and misconfigurations.

Open-source tool for analyzing AWS temporary tokens to detect malicious activity.

Docker's Actuary automates security best-practices checks for Docker containers.

Kube-bench is a tool for checking Kubernetes security based on CIS Kubernetes Benchmark.