Cloud and Container Security

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A publicly open storage viewer for various storage services.

Prowler Logo


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An open-source security tool for AWS, Azure, Google Cloud, and Kubernetes security assessments and audits.

Multi-cloud OSINT tool for enumerating public resources in AWS, Azure, and Google Cloud.

Comprehensive cybersecurity tool for Microsoft Azure providing CSPM & CWPP capabilities.

Azucar Logo


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Azucar is a multi-threaded plugin-based tool for assessing Azure Cloud security.

Open-source project for detecting security risks in cloud infrastructure accounts with support for AWS, Azure, GCP, OCI, and GitHub.

Cloud Security Suite (cs-suite) - Version 3.0 Usage for cloud security audits on AWS, GCP, Azure, and DigitalOcean.

Automated script for creating a vulnerable Azure cloud lab to train offensive security skills.

A free training course and lab environment for learning to test and attack cloud infrastructure, including AWS and Azure.

Azure Guardrails enables rapid enforcement of cloud security guardrails by generating Terraform files for Azure Policy Initiatives.

Cloudmarker is a cloud monitoring tool and framework that audits Azure and GCP cloud environments.

Comprehensive suite of tools and resources by Microsoft Azure for ensuring security and protection of data and applications in the cloud.

In-depth analysis and insights on various cloud security topics by Rhino Security Labs team