Cloud and Container Security

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Export Kubernetes events for observability and alerting purposes with flexible routing options.

Prowler Logo


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An open-source security tool for AWS, Azure, Google Cloud, and Kubernetes security assessments and audits.

Managed Kubernetes Inspection Tool leveraging FOSS tools to query and validate security-related settings.

Collection of Kubernetes manifests creating pods with elevated privileges for security testing.

A collection of tools to debug and inspect Kubernetes resources and applications, managing eBPF programs execution and mapping kernel primitives to Kubernetes resources.

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gVisor is an application kernel that provides isolation for running sandboxed containers.

Gatekeeper is a policy management tool for Kubernetes that provides an extensible, parameterized policy library and native Kubernetes CRDs for instantiating and extending the policy library.

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Kubeadm is a tool for creating Kubernetes clusters with best practices.

minikube implements a local Kubernetes cluster for easy application development and supports various Kubernetes features.

Learn how to secure applications in Kubernetes Engine by granting varying levels of privilege based on requirements.

Exploit that launches a process on the host from within a Docker container run with the --privileged flag by abusing the Linux cgroup v1 “notification on release” feature.

k-rail Logo


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A workload policy enforcement tool for Kubernetes with various supported policies and configuration options.

Kube-bench is a tool for checking Kubernetes security based on CIS Kubernetes Benchmark.