Vulnerability Management

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A cybersecurity platform that offers vulnerability scanning, Windows Defender and 3rd party AV management, and MFA compliance reporting, among other features.

Yar Logo


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A tool for scanning and identifying potential security risks in GitHub organizations, users, and repositories.

Deliberately vulnerable web application for security professionals to practice attack techniques.

A demonstration site for the Acunetix Web Vulnerability Scanner, intentionally vulnerable to various web-based attacks.

A vulnerable Android application demonstrating various security issues and vulnerabilities

Flan Logo


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A vulnerability scanner that helps you identify and fix vulnerabilities in your code

A series of small test cases designed to exercise different parts of a static security analyzer

A disclosure of a bug found in Twitter's Vine and the process of procuring the source code.

Pagodo Logo


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Automate Google Hacking Database scraping and searching with Pagodo, a tool for finding vulnerabilities and sensitive information.

Platform for users to test cybersecurity skills by exploiting vulnerabilities.

iOS application for testing iOS penetration testing skills in a legal environment.

bWAPP Logo


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A free and open-source deliberately insecure web application for security enthusiasts, developers, and students to discover and prevent web vulnerabilities.

Otseca Logo


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Open source security auditing tool to search and dump system configuration.

w3af Logo


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Open source web application security scanner with 200+ vulnerability identification capabilities.

An OSINT tool that generates username lists for companies on LinkedIn for social engineering attacks or security testing purposes.

Simple script to check a domain's email protections and identify vulnerabilities.

Pompem Logo


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Automate the search for Exploits and Vulnerabilities in important databases.

Vulnerable web application for beginners in penetration testing.