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GridPot is a cybersecurity tool that integrates GridLAB-D, Conpot, and libiec61850 to simulate and detect attacks on industrial control systems (ICS). Dependencies: autconf, automake, libtool, subversion, python-dev, mysql-server, python-mysqldb, xerces-c, libcurl. Setup: Install MySQL, set up Conpot with 'sudo make clean' and 'sudo python install', set up GridLAB-D with 'autoreconf -isf', 'make', 'sudo make install', set up libiec61850 with 'make' and 'make INSTALL_PREFIX=/usr/local install'. Demo: Run demo commands for GridLAB-D and Conpot. Developer Links: For more information on interacting with GridLAB-D objects from Conpot, visit