Offensive Security

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Python framework for building and utilizing interfaces to transfer data between frameworks with a focus on Command and Control frameworks.

Open source application for retrieving passwords stored on a local computer with support for various software and platforms.

ISF (Industrial Exploitation Framework) - An exploitation framework for industrial systems with various ICS protocol clients and exploit modules.

Metta Logo


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Metta is an information security preparedness tool for adversarial simulation.

RTA provides a framework of scripts for blue teams to test detection capabilities against malicious tradecraft, modeled after MITRE ATT&CK.

Pacu Logo


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Pacu is an open-source AWS exploitation framework for offensive security testing against cloud environments.



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Modular framework for pentesting Modbus protocol with diagnostic and offensive features.

CTF toolkit for rapid exploit development and prototyping.

A set of commands for exploit developers and reverse-engineers to enhance GDB functionality.

An exploitation framework for industrial security with modules for controlling PLCs and scanning devices.

A Python script for creating a cohesive and up-to-date penetration testing framework.

An open-source intelligence collection, research, and artifact management tool inspired by SpiderFoot, Harpoon, and DataSploit.

Ebowla Logo


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Ebowla is a tool for generating payloads in Python, GO, and PowerShell with support for Reflective DLLs.

Modern, asynchronous, multiplayer & multiserver C2/post-exploitation framework with Python 3 and .NETs DLR.

Tool for exploiting Sixnet RTUs to gain root level access with little effort.

A full-featured reconnaissance framework for web-based reconnaissance with a modular design.

Commix Logo


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Open source penetration testing tool for detecting and exploiting command injection vulnerabilities.

A modular and script-friendly multithread bruteforcer for managing task parameters in Python scripts.