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Pwntools is a CTF framework and exploit development library written in Python, designed for rapid prototyping and development to simplify exploit writing. It includes a series of tutorials, example solutions for past CTF challenges, and is best supported on 64-bit Ubuntu LTS releases.



CrossC2 enables generation of cross-platform payloads for CobaltStrike, enhancing operational flexibility.

C3 is a framework for creating custom C2 channels, integrating with existing offensive toolkits.

A tool for mining URLs from dark corners of Web Archives for bug hunting/fuzzing/further probing

A front-end JavaScript toolkit for creating DNS rebinding attacks

A proof-of-concept obfuscation toolkit for C# post-exploitation tools, designed to conceal malicious activities from detection.

OWASP OWTF is a penetration testing framework focused on efficiency and alignment with security standards.

A post-exploitation framework designed to operate covertly on heavily monitored environments.

Automatic tool for DNS rebinding-based SSRF attacks