Offensive Security

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A tool for detecting and taking over subdomains with dead DNS records

A front-end JavaScript toolkit for creating DNS rebinding attacks

Sudomy Logo


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A subdomain enumeration tool for bug hunting and pentesting

A collection of scripts for Turbo Intruder, a penetration testing tool

A DNS rebinding attack framework for security researchers and penetration testers.

A subdomain enumeration tool for penetration testers and security researchers.

WayMore Logo


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A tool that finds more information about a given URL or domain by querying multiple data sources.

A tool for mining URLs from dark corners of Web Archives for bug hunting/fuzzing/further probing

Gato Logo


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A tool for enumerating and attacking GitHub Actions pipelines

A simple, fast web crawler for discovering endpoints and assets in a web application

Collection of Return-Oriented Programming challenges for practicing exploitation skills.

Macro_Pack is a tool used to automate obfuscation and generation of Office documents for pentest, demo, and social engineering assessments.

A standalone man-in-the-middle attack framework used for phishing login credentials and bypassing 2-factor authentication.

A free and open source C2 and proxy for penetration testers

Darkarmour is a Windows AV evasion tool that helps bypass antivirus software, allowing for the creation of undetectable malware.

A managed code hooking template for .NET assemblies, enabling API hooking, code injection, and runtime manipulation.

A tool that checks expired domains for categorization/reputation and history to determine good candidates for phishing and C2 domain names.

A comprehensive .NET post-exploitation library designed for advanced security testing.