Offensive Security

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A Python-based tool for identifying and exploiting file inclusion and directory traversal vulnerabilities in web applications.

A collection of payloads and methodologies for web pentesting.

A collection of tests for Local File Inclusion (LFI) vulnerabilities using Burp Suite.

vaf Logo


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A cross-platform web fuzzer written in Nim

A tool for mining URLs from dark corners of Web Archives for bug hunting/fuzzing/further probing

OneFuzz Logo


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Self-hosted Fuzzing-As-A-Service platform for continuous developer-driven fuzzing.

A simple file format fuzzer for Android that can fuzz multiple readers at once

Boofuzz Logo


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Boofuzz is a network protocol fuzzing tool that aims to fuzz everything

An image with commonly used tools for creating a pentest environment easily and quickly, with detailed instructions for launching in a VPS.

A repository containing material for Android greybox fuzzing with AFL++ Frida mode