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A specification/framework for extending default C2 communication channels in Cobalt Strike

Python framework for building and utilizing interfaces to transfer data between frameworks with a focus on Command and Control frameworks.

Alpha release of External C2 framework for Cobalt Strike with enhanced data channels.

Havoc Logo


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A modern post-exploitation command and control framework with a client-server architecture and extensibility features.

A Python script for creating a cohesive and up-to-date penetration testing framework.

A Ruby framework designed to aid in the penetration testing of WordPress systems.

Legion Logo


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An open source network penetration testing framework with automatic recon and scanning capabilities.

An open-source penetration testing framework for social engineering with custom attack vectors.

Mythic Logo


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A collaborative, multi-platform, red teaming framework for simulating attacks and testing defenses.

A full-featured reconnaissance framework for web-based reconnaissance with a modular design.