Network Security

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A honeypot that emulates a Belkin N300 Home Wireless router with default setup to observe traffic

fatt Logo


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A script for extracting network metadata and fingerprints such as JA3 and HASSH from packet capture files or live network traffic.

A foundational guide for using deception against computer network adversaries using honeypots to detect adversaries before they accomplish their goals.

Detects Kippo SSH honeypot instances externally

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A honeypot designed to detect and analyze malicious activities in instant messaging platforms.

A honeypot system designed to detect and analyze potential security threats

A low-interaction honeypot for detecting and analyzing potential attacks on Android devices via ADB over TCP/IP

Automated signature creation using honeypots for network intrusion detection systems.

A honeypot that logs NTP packets into a Redis database to detect DDoS attempts.

A low interaction Python honeypot designed to mimic various services and ports to attract attackers and log access attempts.

A Docker container that starts a SSH honeypot and reports statistics to the SANS ISC DShield project

A simple honeypot that opens a listening socket and waits for connection attempts, with configurable reply and event handling

A low-interaction SSH honeypot written in C

A printer honeypot PoC that simulates a printer on a network to detect and analyze potential attackers.

A simpler version of a honeypot that looks for connections from external parties and performs a specific action, usually blacklisting.

Port listener / honeypot in Rust with protocol guessing, safe string display and rudimentary SQLite logging.