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A low-interaction SSH honeypot written in C. Command Line Options: Usage: ssh-honeypotd [options]... Mandatory arguments to long options are mandatory for short options too. Options: -k, --host-key FILE: the file containing the private host key (RSA, DSA, ECDSA, ED25519) -b, --address ADDRESS: the IP address to bind to (default: -p, --port PORT: the port to bind to (default: 22) -P, --pid FILE: the PID file (if not specified, the daemon will run in the foreground) -n, --name NAME: the name of the daemon for syslog (default: ssh-honeypotd) -u, --user USER: drop privileges and switch to this USER (default: daemon or nobody) -g, --group GROUP: drop privileges and switch to this GROUP (default: daemon or nogroup) -x, --no-syslog: log messages only to stderr (only works with --foreground) -f, --foreground: do not daemonize -h, --help: display help and exit -v, --version: output version information and exit -k option must be specified at least once if ssh-honeypots is compiled against libssh prior to 0.8.0 (note that in Ubuntu (and possibly Debian), libssh 0.8.0 is detected as 0.7.0 because of a bug in libssh.h). For newer libssh versions, the host key is generated automatically.



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